In-depth Comparison And Review Among The Top Medications For Erectile Dysfunction
If you are suffering from erection problems such as erectile dysfunction or impotence, then you know by now the top three drugs of choice. Men often ask which medication is the best. For once, Viagra is the first ever medication for ED. Then, Cialis and Levitra came in the succeeding years. All of these three drugs are effective, but how are we going to measure their effectiveness? There is no definite answer to the question as to which medication is the best. Some will say Viagra, while others will say Cialis, and there are some that will say Levitra.
Für diejenigen, die unter Erektionsstörungen leiden, gibt es eine wirksame Lösung namens Viagra. Dieses Medikament hat in der Schweiz an Beliebtheit gewonnen und bietet Männern die Möglichkeit, ihre sexuelle Leistungsfähigkeit zu verbessern. Erfahren Sie mehr über Viagra und seine Vorteile, indem Sie hier klicken.
The bottom line is that whichever medication works best for you, then you have to stick to it. Let us know the three drugs in an in-depth account. A guy should know the benefits and the risks of each of these drugs to know which one is the best.
Weighing The Efficacy Of The Top Three ED Drugs In The Market
For many years now, Viagra is the undisputed king of ED medications. It was the first one to be patented and came out in the market as a drug used to treat erection problems. Out of all the three medications mentioned here, Viagra is probably the most popular. Taking one pill of Viagra one hour before sex can help you have an erection up to four hours. Pfizer is the manufacturer behind the success of this medication. Its active ingredient known as sildenafil citrate is the one that helps a patient to achieve an erection by dilating the blood vessels in the penis. However, Viagra is likewise one of the medications for ED that has an expensive price tag.
Out of all three ED drugs, Cialis has the longest lasting effects. Its effects can stay in the body up to 36 hours, which is why it has become one of the most popular brands for erection problems. It also involves less planning, which is why more men are considering it. However, even if the effects of Cialis are way longer than the other two ED drugs, the side effects might also endure longer. That being said, it is important to seek help from your doctor about the ways to properly take Cialis. One good thing about Cialis is that it can be taken even without any food intake. A word of caution, though. You must refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages when you are taking this medication. It will lessen the effects of Cialis.
Levitra is included among the three best drugs for ED. It has an effect similar to Viagra. It lasts up to four hours. The only real difference between Levitra and Viagra is that Levitra will not be affected by food or alcoholic drinks. It can be taken with or without meals. Also, it has been found out that Levitra can help people suffering from diabetes. Compared to the other two drugs, Levitra is known to counteract the effects of diabetes of its user. Furthermore, this drug can also prevent any premature ejaculation, which is a great way to satisfy your partner all throughout your sexual encounter.
What Is The Best Medication For My Condition?
Different men have different coping mechanism when it comes to erection problems. If you did not get the chance to try all of these medications, then it is hard for you to identify which one is indeed the best. It is better if you will try these three drugs for you to identify the best one that will suit your preference. On the other hand, if you want to try all of these drugs, make sure to not try only once per medication. For you to know which one truly works best for you, you must at least take at least six to eight times each medication before you move to another. This will give you the window to actually identify which one is the best for you.
Most doctors will also recommend to try all the three major medications for ED to know which one truly works best. There are doctors that will give you a starter pack containing all the three medications. This starter pack is essential, especially if you want to know the best one that will provide great benefits for your erection problems. Also, according to the studies, the efficiency of all three medications is in the 60% to 70% brackets. It means that men with erection problems might not have the results that they wanted when they take any of these drugs. With that, it is important to try all three drugs to see which is the best that will work for your condition.
Possible Side Effects You Might Encounter When Using These Drugs
All three medications have similar side effects. Each of these side effects may affect users, especially the new ones. The common side effects that can be experienced by people using these medications are runny nose, headache, stomach pain and flushing in the face. These are the most common side effects among these three ED drugs. Most men who have had negative side effects as a result of using Viagra may only have a fewer side effects when using Cialis or Levitra.
The Safety Of Purchasing Viagra, Levitra Or Cialis Online
Today, most people look for the things they want online. Almost everything can now be bought online. However, make sure to know the online pharmacies that offer legit ED medications. You might want to consider a website with a huge range of positive testimonials coming from their past clients. This will totally ensure that the medication you will buy is accredited and they are legit. No matter if you choose any of the three medications, you have to make sure to do dealings with a trusted online drugstore
For you to know the best among these three ED drugs, you have to make sure to experience all of them by yourself. Then, and only then, can you determine the best drug of choice for your erection problems. These medications are all effective and safe for consumption. They have passed a series of tests, ensuring that they can cater to the needs of every man suffering from ED. Seek help from your doctor to know the right amount of dosage and the starter pack that you can obtain. This can help you know the right drug for your specific erection problem.