3 Basic Things about Prostate Cancer Every Man Should Know

Prostate cancer has been a challenge for many men in the modern world. Recent research shows that up to 50 percent of men above 50 years have some kind of prostate cancer cells. This reality has made the disease a scourge for older men. Researchers have been trying to find a way of dealing with the concern for a number of years now. The major relieve so far is that medical researchers say it is possible to considerably reduce the rate of mortality by means of early screening.

Early Screening Can Save Lives

According to numerous findings, detecting cancer on early stages makes treatment easier and the prognosis much better. Therefore, men who are 50 years old and above are recommended to go for regular check-ups at least twice a year. As it has been previously established, the early stages of cancer are quite manageable and largely treatable. The right approach to effectively deal with the disease is thus to schedule early screening even though there might not be any symptoms of illness.

The Method of Treatment Also Matters

prostate-awareness-2014-02 It is widely known that most cancer treatment methods are rather aggressive. Depending on when the cancer cells are diagnosed, the method of treatment can also vary in a wide range. Research shows that it is possible to eliminate cancer cells on the early stages using non-invasive treatments rather than surgery. In fact, most men have been able to get effective treatment after getting timely therapy resulting from early screening. Using therapy is much easier and less damaging compared to invasive methods of treatment such as chemotherapy and radiation.

In fact, prostate cancer develops slowly compared to other types of cancer. So, in many cases when the disease is detected on the early stages, simple preventive measures and medication are enough to manage and slow down the development of prostate cancer.

Age Is a Key Factor

As previously noted, prostate cancer is more prevalent among older men than younger ones. While there have been cases of young men contracting the disease, the available data from recent research shows that the disease is much more common among older men. It has in fact been established that 80 percent of men of the age of 75 and above almost certainly have some kind of prostate cancer cells in the body. The obvious recommendation has been that older men need to make it mandatory to go for tests and screening regularly.