Watch Your Diet, Guys, and Keep Dementia Away

A healthy diet will help keep a man in health to his old age. It can even prevent dementia. According to a recent study, aging patients with Alzheimer's were able to improve their condition by just being put on a comprehensive, personalized exercise and diet routine. Most of the study participants were restored to a better health, and some even returned to work. For men who do not care about their diet, above is a reason to rethink this position.Healthy-Diet-vs-Junk-Food

In deed men are lax about diet and health matters when compared to women. Below are healthy eating suggestions for men to adopt to keep dementia away.

1. Ensure adequate supply of B Vitamins

A study conducted by William and Bonnie Thornton at the University of Illinois found that supplementing the diet of patients with severe senile dementia with folic acid resulted in dramatic improvement in their symptoms. VitaminB6 along with magnesium have also been used to treat senile dementia in other studies.

2. Choline and lecithin

In a study conducted by W.D. Boyd and Associates and subsequently published in Lancet, supplementing with choline was found to have resulted in noticeable cognition enhancement in patients diagnosed with severe Alzheimer-type senile dementia.

Another study found significant improvements in patients with Alzheimer's regarding memory, language and daily living ability when given choline chloride and lecithin. Patients who could not function before they were given the supplements started engaging in social interaction and even running errands. However, doctors are now focusing on the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids as they might be more beneficial than choline.

3. Vitamin E and selenium

Matti Tolonen, MD. of the University of Helsinki at the time of doing the research found very impressive results of using Vitamin E and selenium in patients with dementia. Elderly patients who were given the two nutrients over a period of a month became keener, more open to changes, willing to take care of themselves and more interested in their environment. They also showed much fewer signs of depression, anxiety, hostility, and fatigue.

4. Manganese

Pioneering doctor, Carl C. Pfeiffer, PhD., M.D., found that the chemical spermine could be elevated in the body by supplementation with manganese. Spermine is found in higher concentrations in healthy individuals with an adequate memory, and in lower concentrations in patients with Alzheimer's and senile dementia.

5. Aluminum

This is a metal that has no known use in the human body. In fact, it causes harmful effects when ingested over time. Recent studies point to a clear link between the onset of Alzheimer's and high aluminum levels in the body. As early as over 40 years ago, doctors found the brains of deceased Alzheimer’s patients to have as much as 4 to 6 times more aluminum than the brains of healthy individuals. Above all, the use of aluminum cooking pots should be limited to reduce the accumulation of this metal in the body.